4 - 6 November 2015, Granada
11th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence
"Multilingual Terminology, Ontologies and Knowledge Representation Models"
Terminology and Artificial Intelligence (TIA) 2015 will be the 11th in a series of successful events which initially took place in the francophone world. Since the first conference 20 years ago, TIA has increasingly attracted the attention of many researchers and practitioners all over the world because of the interest of the topics addressed. As a reflection of the internationalization, this year, for the first time, the TIA Conference will be held outside of France in Granada, Spain. The conference will be organized by the LexiCon research group of the Translation and Interpreting School at the University of Granada.
TIA 2015 will highlight the close connection between multilingual terminology, ontologies, and the representation of specialized knowledge. Today’s networked society has generated an increasing number of contexts where multilingualism challenges current knowledge representation methods and techniques. There is thus the urgent need for high-quality multilingual knowledge resources that are able to bridge communication barriers, and which can be linked and shared. Accordingly, the TIA 2015 Conference will provide a forum for interdisciplinary research that focuses on the intersection of different disciplines dealing with terminology, multilingualism, lexicology, ontology, and knowledge representation.
Featured plenary speakers:
Paul Buitelaar, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Ricardo Mairal Usón, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, Spain
Terminology and ontology acquisition and management
Applying pattern recognition to enriching terminological resources
Lexicons, thesauri and ontologies as semantic resources
Lexicons and ontologies as means for knowledge transfer
Reusing, standardizing and merging terminological or ontological resources
Multilingual terminology extraction
Multilinguality and multimodality in terminological resources
Management of language resources
Terminology and knowledge representation
Ontological semantics and linguistics
Ontology localization
Development of multimedia terminological resources
Terminology alignment in parallel corpora and other lexical resources
Representation of terms and conceptual relations in knowledge-based applications
Comparative studies of terminological resources and/or ontological resources
Terminological resources in the 21st century
Harmonization of format and standards in terminological resources
Terminology and ontologies for applications
Interoperability and reusability in knowledge-based tools and applications
Models and metamodels in annotating semantic and terminological resources
New R&D directions in terminology for industrial uses and needs
Terminology for machine translation and natural language processing
Conference Chair
Thierry Poibeau (CNRS)
Pamela Faber (University of Granada)
Scientific Committee
Amparo Alcina (Universitat Jaume I, Spain)
Sophia Ananiadou (NaCTeM, UK)
Guadalupe Aguado-de-Cea (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
Francisco Arcas Túnez (Universidad Católica de Murcia, Spain)
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (IRIT, France)
Caroline Barrière (CRIM, Canada)
Núria Bel (Universidad Pompeu Fabra , Spain)
Kevin Bretonnel Cohen (U. Colorado School of Medicine, USA)
Paul Buitelaar (DERI, Ireland)
Farid Cerbah (Dassault Aviation, France)
Jean Charlet (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France)
Christian Chiarcos (University of Frankfurt, Germany)
Philipp Cimiano (University of Bielefeld, Germany)
Nigel Collier (University of Cambridge, UK)
Anne Condamines (CLLE-ERSS, France)
Béatrice Daille (Université de Nantes, France)
Valérie Delavigne (Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, France)
Pascaline Dury (Université Lyon 2, France)
Fidelia Ibekwe-San Juan (Aix Marseille, France)
Marie-Christine Jaulent (Centre de Recherches des Cordeliers, France)
Kyo Kageura (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Olivia Kwong (City University Hong Kong, China)
Alessandro Lenci (Università di Pisa, Italy)
Pilar León Araúz (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Marie-Claude L'Homme (OLST, Université de Montréal, Canada)
Mercè Lorente Casafont (Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
María J. Martín-Bautista (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Silvia Montero Martínez (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Elena Montiel-Ponsoda (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
Adeline Nazarenko (LIPN, Université Paris 13 - Sorbonne Paris Cité & CNRS, France)
Carlos Periñán (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain)
Aurélie Picton (Université de Gèneve, Switzerland)
Fabio Rinaldi (Universität Zürich, Switzerland)
Pascale Sébillot (IRISA, France)
Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
Sylvie Szulman (LIPN, Université Paris 13 - Sorbonne Paris Cité & CNRS, France)
Koichi Takeuchi (Okayama University, Japan)
Rita Temmerman (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Yannick Toussaint (Loria, France)
Mathieu Valette (CRIM-INALCO, France)
Lonneke van der Plas (University of Malta, Malta)
Aline Villavicencio (Federal Univesrity of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Špela Vintar (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Sue Ellen Wright (Kent State University, USA)
Pierre Zweigenbaum (LIMSI-CNRS, France)
Local Organizing Commitee
Pamela Faber
Pilar León Araúz (University of Granada)
Beatriz Sánchez Cárdenas (University of Granada)
Arianne Reimerink (University of Granada)
Silvia Montero Martínez (University of Granada)
Miguel Vega Expósito (University of Granada)
Ana Belén Pelegrina Ortiz (University of Granada)
Paper submissions (long and short papers): Extended submission deadline 30 June
Notification to authors: 15 September 2015
Final camera-ready paper: 24 September 2015
Conference: 4-6 November 2015
#PROGRAM / Main conference
#PROGRAM/preliminary program estructure + link
The Sketch Engine as a terminology tool
A central challenge of terminology is: finding the terms. Given a document, or set of documents in a domain, what are the terms that it contains?
The Sketch Engine is a leading corpus tool, used for lexicography at Oxford and Cambridge University Presses, Collins, Macmillan, and at national language institutes in nine countries; also for language research and teaching at several hundred universities worldwide. It has recently been adopted for terminology work at the World Intellectual Property Organisation and elsewhere. In this workshop, we shall look at the Sketch Engine functions for finding terminology in a corpus (in any of the major world languages), for finding terms and their translations in parallel text, and for further exploring terms to find their meaning and their usual contexts and collocations. We shall also examine ways of integrating the Sketch Engine into translators' and terminologists' workflows.
The workshop will be hands-on. Participants are encouraged to come with both laptops/tablets, and with data sets from which they would like to extract the terms!
TIA 2015 will take place in Casa Zayas, a lovely building that is the home of the Professional Association of Architects in Granada. It is located in the city center, near the St Agustin market place, and is frequently used for expositions and conferences
The Congress Organization has reached agreements with the following hotels, which offer special rates to the University of Granada and will apply a special rate to attendees of the Conference. Attendees interested in staying at one of these hotels must do their booking by calling directly and indicating the reference "11th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence".
Double room: 81€ (breakfast incl)
Double room single use: 67€ (breakfast incl)
E-mail: reservas@hotelanacapri.com
Phone: +34 958 227 477
Double room: 72€ (breakfast incl)
Double room single use: 65€ (breakfast incl)
Phone: +34 958 285 464
Double room: 70€ (breakfast incl)
Double room single use: 63€ (breakfast incl)
E-mail: reservasrecogidas@abades.com
Phone: +34 958 535 484
Double room: 76€ (breakfast incl)
Double room single use: 65€ (breakfast incl)
E-mail: granada@hotelescenter.com
Phone: +34 958 205 000
Ref: 387681
How to register?
First you will need to fill the registration form. After that, payment will be made by bank transfer to account number IBAN ES69 3183 1800 1700 0132 5747 (SWIFT CODE: CASDESBBXXX). The bank transfer must clearly state the name of the conference and the name of the participant. Finally, you need to send us the bank receipt to hola@baobabeventos.com
Registration fee:
Registration is possible for the main conference only, for the workshop only, and for the main conference plus the workshop
Regular registration
Student registration
Workshop extra fee
Workshop only
Early registation
until 1st October
Late registation
from 1st October onward
Call for papers:
TIA 2015 solicits both regular papers, which present significant work, and short papers, which typically present work in progress or a smaller, focused contribution. The program committee may decide to change the category of a paper before acceptance.
Regular papers, in English, French, or Spanish should not exceed 8 pages in ACL-HLT 2011 format (see below for LaTeX and MS Word style files), including figures, examples and references. The mode of presentation of long papers (orally or as posters) will be decided based on the nature rather than on the quality of the work.
Short papers should not exceed 4 pages in the same format as regular papers. They will also be presented orally or as posters at the conference depending on the nature of the work.
Regardless of the language of the paper, all paper presentations will be in English. The submission deadline is June 30.
Authors should submit the papers in PDF through the TIA submission page at Easychair:
The submission process is the following:
Before June 30th, author should fill in the easyChair on-line submission provide the following information:
Name(s) of author(s)
Affiliation(s), addresses, fax and e-mail
Title of the paper
5 to 10 key words in English as well as in French or Spanish (depending on the language of the paper)
As the reviewing will be blind, the paper itself must not include the authors' names and affiliations at submission time. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the author's identity, e.g., "We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...", must be avoided. Instead, use citations such as "Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...".
Style files:
Latex: TIA2015LaTex.zip
MS Word: TIA2015word.zip
Call for posters and demos:
The TIA 2015 Posters and Demonstrations Track complements the Research Paper track of the conference and offers an opportunity for presenting late-breaking research results, on-going research projects, and speculative or innovative work in progress. The informal setting of the Posters and Demonstrations Track encourages presenters and participants to engage in discussions about the presented work.
We invite submissions relevant to the conference topics. Posters, descriptions of completed work, and work in progress are all welcome. Demonstrations are intended to showcase innovative implementations and technologies.
Submission information
Authors must submit a two-page extended abstract for evaluation. For demonstrations, authors are strongly encouraged to include in their submission a link to where the demo can be found. They should also make clear what exactly will be demonstrated to the participants. All papers and abstracts have to be submitted electronically via the EasyChair conference submission system:
Important Dates
Poster & Demo Submission: 10 September
Notifications: 30 September
Camera-Ready Versions: 8 October
Any questions?
If you have questions about the program, accommodation, or anything related to the congress , please fill out the form and we will try to answer any questions as soon as possible